Sunday, February 22, 2009

Baby Rock the 3rd is a..........................

So, here's our little guy! We found out a couple of weeks ago that we are expecting another little boy and we are so excited that he is healthy, strong and finally not making me so sick!
Jaxon was able to come to the ultrasound with us and the u/s tech was awesome! She made sure to point out all of the parts and Jaxon was absolutely fascinated by it. She even gave him his own little picture that he has carried around and makes sure to tell people that he is going to have a little brother.
The kids have been great throughout this whole pregnancy. They have been so sweet and understanding when I've been really sick and they've even helped me when I've had some really bad low blood sugars. It's amazing to me that they know what to do when mom needs some help. I couldn't ask for better kids!
We've been really swamped this past month with Abby and Jaxon's birthdays and gearing up for Valentine's day. We've also had some amazing success in the potty training department with both of the kids. Abby is now sleeping through the night and not having accidents and Jaxon is fully potty trained during the day and is trying to catch up to Abby where the night time is concerned. They are so helpful and supportive of one another. I love to watch them encourage each other!
Sean is doing amazing at work. He has received a lot of praise from his bosses about the work that he does. In turn, they are continually passing on more responsibilities to him and he is doing an amazing job. We feel so blessed to have a job and one that is constantly providing Sean with a challenge--there's never a dull moment!
Hopefully, I won't go so long between posts. We'll see!